5 Acts of Kindness

So I spent a few hours wondering what random acts of kindness might be, I was able to spot and think about a few that we unknowingly do for each other on a daily basis which surely do make a difference. Each act, so small but so impactful.

My mum was running late for work in the morning so I made breakfast for her otherwise I feel like she would’ve skipped it.
1. My mum was running late for work in the morning so I made breakfast for her otherwise I feel like she would’ve skipped it.
2. I helped my brother with his math homework.
3. I helped my mum buy a new washing machine, this was something new and exciting.
4. I bought a gift for my friend, this is her favorite color!
5. I got my bestfriend his favorite Rice&Spice from KFC (although I did ate half of it) but that’s what bestfriends are for!

